DEN in SL Wins an Eddie

DEN in SL Wins an Eddie

This evening I attended the 2008 Edublog Awards. The event took place through a variety of tools Second Life ®, Skype, and Ed Tech Talk. The Eddies began 5 years ago and though there has been some dissension about the merit of these awards I enjoy them. They have helped me find new voices and expand my learning network. I also believe that they allow edubloggers to say thank you and recognize their fellow edubloggers.

To that end I would like to say thank you to the Discovery Educator Network and all its members. The DEN has been a key component of my learning community and tonight the DEN in SL won an Eddie for the Best Use of a Virtual World. I am proud to be a member of such a community. A community full of creative, collaborative individuals committed to learning and growing as educators. You are awesome.

I encourage you to visit the sites of all the nominees in all the categories they are well worth the time. Congratulations to all!!!

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