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Tag: Second Life

End of an Era

End of an Era

Recent events in my life have required that I prioritize my time and resources.  I actually should have done this a while back and simplified things but I have a hard time letting go of things that have added to my learning and linked me to so many great friends. For example SecondLife This morning I gave up my rental in SecondLife. I began my adventure in SL back in April 2007. It is through this platform I became connected…

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DEN in SL Wins an Eddie

DEN in SL Wins an Eddie

This evening I attended the 2008 Edublog Awards. The event took place through a variety of tools Second Life ®, Skype, and Ed Tech Talk. The Eddies began 5 years ago and though there has been some dissension about the merit of these awards I enjoy them. They have helped me find new voices and expand my learning network. I also believe that they allow edubloggers to say thank you and recognize their fellow edubloggers. To that end I would…

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DEN in SL Receives Nomination

DEN in SL Receives Nomination

I have been an active member in the DEN in SL since the beginning. It has been and continues to be one of the best parts of my learning network. The DEN in SL has been nominated as one of the ‘Best Educational Use of a Virtual World 2008′ by members of the eduverse. This is quite an honor as the other nominees have made great use of virtual environments as well. I recommend you visit EduBlogs Awards site and…

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Blog of the Month

Blog of the Month

Scott Merrick left a comment, shown below, that this blog has been nominated for blog of the month. Scott runs the Blogger’s hut on ISTE in Second Life. I have found some great blogs thanks to his efforts. Thanks again for the honor Scott. Hey, Beth, Congrats on being in the running for the Blog-o-the-month at the Blogger’s Hut on ISTE Island in Second Life. All month the survey poll will be open for voting, so bring your friends, your…

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3D Space Navigator

3D Space Navigator

About a week ago my dad called telling me about 3D connexion‘s Space Navigator. My dad was reading about Second Life, trying to understand what is I do. Thanks to dad I now have the Navigator for notebooks. It arrived yesterday evening and I took it for a test spin last night in SL. I did need to download the new release candidate for SL. 3D connexion suggests setting up on the opposite side of the mouse. I do not…

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Work Bench

Work Bench

Last weekend I was exposed to a new product called WorkBench by TRintuition. It is a flash, web based content creation tool. As Karen commented earlier, since it is flash based the text can not be read, thus it is not accessible by all. I took about 10 mins this morning to begin learning the tool. There is still more to explore. Here is my first attempt.

Happy Rez Day to Me!

Happy Rez Day to Me!

One year ago today I began my adventures exploring Second Life as a networking tool. It is so hard to believe that it has only been a year. In that time I have met so many wonderful people, learned to much and had a blast doing it. Thanks to all those who have made it such a great place to be and Happy Rez day to all the others born around this time. A special shout out to the following…

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