End of an Era

End of an Era

Recent events in my life have required that I prioritize my time and resources.  I actually should have done this a while back and simplified things but I have a hard time letting go of things that have added to my learning and linked me to so many great friends. For example SecondLife

This morning I gave up my rental in SecondLife. I began my adventure in SL back in April 2007. It is through this platform I became connected to so many great organizations and people.  I participated in ISTE, DEN and a slew of other groups and events.  My professional networking exploded as did my learning. My relationships with many of these people has since move to other platforms, but you always remember your ‘first date’ so to speak.  I still pop into SL now and again to attend an event but I don’t have the time to stay and chat and no longer have a need to have my own place.

I was surprised how I felt as I packed up my stuff in my SL home.  I decided to take a few photos and quick movie tour before it was empty. It felt like the end of an era, it made me sad.  I guess I am sad that I miss the days when I had the luxury of chatting with friends and colleagues. What I want to know is where did that time go, how can I get it back?

2 thoughts on “End of an Era

  1. Hello, I am a student from the University of South Alabama. The only aspects of Second Life that I know is what I have seen on an MTV show called True Life. But I do believe it is important to keep in touch with your friends and so on. Perhaps trying to set up a group meeting our get together would be affective rather than digital communication?

  2. Hi Noah,
    I am still able to keep in touch with them but I fear it is mostly through digital means. Occasionally we may meet at a conference but that is rare. One of the wonders of SL and other forms of digital communication is that it brought us together from different continents. Through SL I have become connected to educators from across the globe and am richer for the experience.

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