A Gathering of Friends

A Gathering of Friends

The pre-conference activities of EduCon 2.0 began Friday afternoon. It started with a tour of SLA, our hosts for this event. I was unable to attend as my flight was canceled and had to get another later in the day. I was able to catch up with everyone one at the Franklin Institute for the opening reception and IMAX movie. I met up with my roommate Lisa Durff (Edith Halderman –SL) whom I never met face to face to, I knew we were similarly minded women when we both show up wearing the same Lands end coat that was on sale a few years back. As people gathered in the central area you heard comments like; so your so and so from Second Life, I follow you on twitter, are you in my Ning or I recognize your face from somewhere. (Thanks Steve for finally taking me down from the DEN page). The evening felt more like a reunion, a gathering of friends, vastly different from other conferences I have attend where I may know a few people. At this conference we are already connected, talking and learning. After the resection and movie there were packs of educators roaming Philadelphia on a Friday night looking for a place to accommodate a crowd, not an easy task. A group 30 or so ended up at the hotel restaurant. As I looked around I was sitting with my blog roll, fellow twits, and second life neighbors quite an awesome experience to see the network in the flesh. Today beings the series of conversations, looking forward to it more later.

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