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Tag: Personal Learning Networks

Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?

Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?

I have been doing a lot of reading in the past year, or so, on education, learning, schools and teaching.  I believe I am on the verge of a paradigm shift in my thinking.  The constructivist in me tells me this is part of the normal learning process that comes about from gathering new information and analyzing it from different points of view.  You see the conflicts with your old knowledge structures and you need to rebuild them to accommodate…

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On My Soap Box – Rational Discussions

On My Soap Box – Rational Discussions

I took the kids to get Halloween costumes yesterday and while waiting online at the mall food court, I could not help but over hear a conversation.   The topic debated is not important but one of the statements has caused me to get on my soap box. “Anyone who thinks that way is an a——!” Why do we attack people with whom we do not agree? What happened to discussing ideas and trying to see the other point or points…

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Post NECC Thoughts

Post NECC Thoughts

I did not have an opportunity to attend NECC this year. I did support the DEN in SL‘s session, watched a good deal online and followed posts on twitter and plurk.  Though I learned some new things and been given ideas to ponder it just is not the same.  I am a proponent of distance learning and love that I could ‘attend’ after a fashion, I do not think anything beats the face to face interaction.  Learning and inspiration are…

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Personal Research Journey

Personal Research Journey

I have to make this public, hoping it will give me a motivation to keep moving forward.  I am embarking on my own personal research project, I have not done any serious research since I worked on my dissertation. I may be crazy but I have these questions, ideas, thoughts just swimming around in my mind.  I can’t seem to grab them and sort them out.  There are so many my head seems like it will burst.  I need to…

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ICE 2009

ICE 2009

I am just getting ready to head home from ICE 2009.  It has been such a wonderful few days.  I had a chance to meet some members of my PLN face-2 face, and learn from their experiences and knowledge.  I was also able to learn from presenters I would not normally encounter if I just stayed in my region.  I wanted to share some quick highlights.  Please forgive me if I forget someone or something out. I want to thank…

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My Twitter Network

My Twitter Network

Thanks to Skip Z for sharing, here is my Twitter mosaic.   I once took the time to print up photos of my Learning Network to make it easier to explain to those who I work with who you all are.  This is so much easier. Get your twitter mosaic here.

EduCon 2.1

EduCon 2.1

I am attending EduCon 2.1 and having a great time.  My goals for this conference were to deepen the connections I have with members of my learning network and to look for ideas and strategies to facilitate changes and growth in the educational environment in my district.  There are many ways to connect to the archives of the conference but the best way is to go to the conference wiki and find the links there. I am just beginning to…

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