Summer Break?

Summer Break?

When I was a classroom teacher I looked forward to summer break.  I was able to close out one school year, leave myself a ton of reminders for the start of the next and was ready to turn my mind and body to other pursuits. I could come back fresh, excited and eager to dive right in. I am now a instructional technology specialist and though my school year officially ends and I will soon be on summer break my…

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Data and Innovation

Data and Innovation

Repeatedly we hear the call to base everything on data driven research, not a bad idea in itself but when you live in the world of technology and innovation then it possess quite a stumbling block. How can you collect data on the future? It takes years to develop a good research plan, carry it out and draw any conclusion.  Somebody has to go first. Districts that will only make decisions based on what has gone on before will forever be…

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Google Training

Google Training

I have been quite busy preparing for a major PD initiative in supporting an ever expanding number of Chromebooks and more innovated use of Google Tools.  I have to say Google has created a large number of pathways to learn it’s apps and to test ones knowledge.  I like the idea of tests and certification on these tools.  It would be a wonderful thing if schools using google apps required their teachers and new hires to be google certified teachers….

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Change is Ahead

Change is Ahead

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) had just release new draft standards for Digital Literacy and Computer Science.   These, if adopted, will replace the current standards adopted in 2008.   ISTE is also undergoing a refresh in the standards draft standards should be released in Jan 2016. It will be interesting to see what changes will be made. I am excited to see the addition of computational thinking and computer science.  I strongly believe these are necessary for success in our…

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My daughter’s birthday was yesterday and I spent a good portion of that day thinking about how far she has come.  It occurred to me that she has not lived up to the expectations set for her and I could not be more proud!!! She started life with a double knot in the umbilical cord, and multiple health related obstacles ever since. From the earliest days in school people held limited expectations for her success. As an educator I know…

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Everything Old is New Again

Everything Old is New Again

I feel like I am stuck in an episode of the twilight zone doomed to repeat past mistakes. It is as if someone has put my professional life on a loop. I just can’t break out of the cyclical madness of educational programs and trends. Let’s take a walk down memory lane. There are many terms, phrases and programs that keep reappearing in education. Below are a list of some that have appeared in recent times, though likely they are…

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Getting Ready for the New School Year

Getting Ready for the New School Year

As soon as one school year ends it is time to get ready for the next.  For me that means that I start getting materials ready for new teacher orientation and set up new professional development for the teachers.  This year we are developing our self-serve PD using Schoology and will be adding badges to mark staff successful completion of the various topics. In prepping my material I review the old sites we recommend for teachers, as well as, look…

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