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Author: Beth Knittle

Remembering The Team Who Taught Me So Much

Remembering The Team Who Taught Me So Much

Once upon a time in a land far away I met an incredible group of people. We created, collaborated and learned together. Our time together changed me forever. From 2007 to 2011 I was part of a very effective and productive team, we met and worked virtually. At first only through text and later voice as technology and tools improved. We worked in a digital platform, created digital products and laid the groundwork to foster a growing community of learners….

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Game Design and the High School Curriculum

Game Design and the High School Curriculum

Game Design has come up a lot in these last few years in both my professional and personal lives. My youngest will attend college next year to study game design. My eldest will be a college senior looking forward to a career in the game industry. Both are interested in different areas of the process and are taking vastly different roads to get there. Each road requires a very broad and diverse skill set (see below). Game design to me…

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Updating the Diploma

Updating the Diploma

Updating the curriculum is grounded in preparing students for today’s job market and the elusive future economy.  It is also about providing students an opportunity to explore their passions, develop a love of learning not to mention the skills a learner needs to keep on learning.   When developing curriculum we often ask two questions (1) what do we want the student to be able to do (2) how do we know they know it?   The ultimate proof of completing a…

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Updating the Curriculum

Updating the Curriculum

Many school curricula have remained pretty much unchanged for decades some could argue centuries. The basic common elements of English, Math, Science and History are constants, it is the other curricular options that seem to come and go over time. When I was in middle school/ high school we had a choice of home economics options; sewing, cooking, money matters, early childhood education. There was also a “shop” track; woodworking, automotive repair, metal working, business accounting, keyboarding, and short hand.  …

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Missing in Action

Missing in Action

I had pledge to myself when I started this blog so many years ago that I would post at least twice a month.  I was not able to keep that commitment and did not make a single post in February.  The crazy New England winter and family matters played a role. It is now March and time to recommit to at least a twice a month post.

Making the Most of the New Year

Making the Most of the New Year

A new year means a time for reflection and a new start, as educators we get two every year.  We start fresh each school year and get a boost mid-way through with the start of a new calendar year.  I take the winter break to reflect on how the year is going and what type of course corrections need to be made.  How will I make the most of the second half of the school year? How will I make…

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading my thoughts over the course of the year and sharing yours as we continue to learn. I wish you all a Joyous New Year may it be filled grace, peace and love.