A request for a little help from my PLN

A request for a little help from my PLN

I have been involved in formal schooling as a student and educator for about 40 years, so you would think I know the purpose and goal of education.  But as I became connected to other educators and began investigating technology and the tools that support learning something began to change. I was consumed by learning. In fact I think I have learned more in the last few years of my informal (non-traditional) learning then I did in much of my formal (schooled) education.  Is this because I found my passion, maybe my confidence?  Was it the connected learning? I found that I was rethinking what I believe about learning, school, and education.  So I embarked on researching this area.  I have been reading from a wide variety of perspectives and points of views, challenging my thinking and views on education.  I am enjoying the process very much.

I would love to have a little input from my network.  If you would not mind answering a couple of questions I would appreciate it.  You can comment below or answer using the Google form.  I realize a lot could go into these answers I am just looking for some quick feed back.  Thanks again for your time and thoughts.

Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?
Does your school have a debate club or team? If not has anything replaced it?
How do document or create a resume for informal learning?  Should it be done?
What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the best aspect of a school based education?
What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the worst aspect of a school based education?
What do you want your child to get out of their education?
Please recommend some reading material (books, articles or posts) about education, learning and schools.

3 thoughts on “A request for a little help from my PLN

  1. Hi Beth, I too have been trying to utilize the web and various technical resources to further enhance my eduction and knowledge, so I can relate to your blog. Please see my opinions/answers below.

    1. Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?
    Yes and no. While I believe education builds a strong foundation and gives you the basics, having knowledge comes from hands on experience and interacting with others to improve and grow. We can learn from others, best demonstrated practices and new ideas that you don’t always find in a classroom setting.
    2. Does your school have a debate club or team? If not has anything replaced it?
    We do not, but I am a 5th grade teacher, so the children might be too young.
    3. How do document or create a resume for informal learning? Should it be done?
    As a teacher I had to complete a portfolio documenting my first 6 years of teaching. This was done as part of my requirements for earning tenure. I think it is important to help reflect on those years. Reflection is important in any field of study, but really important in teaching because you want to learn what works best, why things didn’t work as expected, and repeat or improve on what you have done.
    4. What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the best aspect of a school based education?
    I am assuming that by school-based, you mean having students gathering in a classroom with one of a few adults (typical school setting) as compared to something such as cyber-school. I feel in today’s world, we are inter-acting less and less in a social setting face to face, losing the ability to communicate in that way. Today, we communicate more by texting, emails, and the such. Schools and classrooms teach much more than ABCs. They teach how to work with one another, how to behave in social settings, and how to build friendships.
    3. What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the worst aspect of a school based education?
    I feel that with the onslaught of state assessment the importantance put on once a year test scores is ridiculous. Instead of judging a student based on one test and the results, you have to look at the bigger picture.
    4.What do you want your child to get out of their education?
    I want my child (4 year old daughter) to learn how to make friends, how to interact positvely with other students and adults, build on her framework of knowledge, open her eyes to the world around her, and find something that motivates her to learn intrinsically.

  2. Hi Beth,
    I share your interest for lifelong learning and, as an educator, your interest in the educational system in our country. Here are my answers to your posted questions:

    1. Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?
    – I think it depends on the way you define the word knowledgeable but I would say that no, they are not necessarily the same thing. In my opinion, you can be uneducated (in a traditional sense) and still be knowledgeable. I don’t think you need to be traditionally educated on a topic to be knowledgeable about it. For example, I have never had an education about video games, but I am knowledgeable about the topic because of my experience with it.

    2.Does your school have a debate club or team? If not has anything replaced it?
    – Yes

    3.How do document or create a resume for informal learning? Should it be done?
    – I think you can document or indicate informal learning experiences by simply stating that you have “x” amount of experience with a topic through personal experience. It might not necessarily be as credible as traditional experience but I think it has a purpose and can therefore be documented and used as a reference.

    4.What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the best aspect of a school based education?
    – I think one of the best aspects of school based education is that there is a curriculum that creates a standard for what is important and what needs to be learned. Also, I think school based education that takes place in adequately funded schools gives students the opportunity to have highly skilled teachers, useful resources, and helpful technologies at their disposal to help students learn most effectively.

    5.What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the worst aspect of a school based education?
    – I think there is room for improvement in the realm of standardized testing as a method for student assessment. As of now, I don’t necessarily have a replacement for standardized testing but I think we will work towards improving the system we use today.

    6.What do you want your child to get out of their education?
    – As a single 24 year old, I do not have a child yet but plan on it someday so I will answer this hypothetically. For my child, I want them to gain a solid educational base from k-12 that they can use as a foundation when they get to college or begin their career after school. Also, I think that one cross-curriculum expectation I would have for my child to learn is problem-solving skills.

  3. Beth,
    I have used recent technology to teach for only a small amount of time. Like you I have felt like I have learned more now than all my time in high school and college. Technology has opened so many doors of outreach to my students and their families.

    1.) Is being knowledgeable and being educated the same thing?
    – I would say that there is a difference but not much. To become knowledgeable a person does not need traditional education, but isn’t the gaining of knowledge the definition of education? There are many people in the world that I would consider knowledgeable that have not completed high school and/or college. So knowledge can be gained with traditional education.

    2. Does your school have a debate club or team? If not has anything replaced it?
    – The school I taught at never really had a debate team. So I really can’t answer that question. Sorry

    4. What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the best aspect of a school based education?
    – I think the best aspect of school based education is the social learning and interaction that occurs everyday. It is important that our students/teachers learn how to properly interact with each other. If school went totally virtual then our students would not know how to interact with each other in real life. They might be able to socialize through a computer but computers can be turned-off when you don’t like what you are hearing, people can’t.

    5. What is the one (maybe 2) thing you think is the worst aspect of a school based education?
    – The answer to this question is the same as the pervious question. The social interaction between students/teachers can also be one worst experiences one can face. Teacher and students can be cruel and down right mean.

    6. What do you want your child to get out of their education?
    – As a teacher and a brand new father I have thought about this question. I still have not come to a complete answer. I want my son to know how to function in the real world and the academic world. I also want him to have fun learning and not to put pressure on himself to get high marks all the time. It is okay to get a bad grade every once in a while. As long as he tries his best.

    7. Please recommend some reading material (books, articles or posts) about education, learning and schools.
    – When I started teaching my father, who is an educator, suggested I read this book: The Unschooled Mind by Howard Gardner. It was a fascinating book.

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