MassCUE Keynote Deenen Fraizer Bowen

MassCUE Keynote Deenen Fraizer Bowen

Here goes my first attempt at blogging during a presentation. A good friend
is unable to attend the MassCUE conference so I am taking notes for her but thought I could share them with everyone, why not it is just a few extra clicks.

Notes on the opening Keynote by Deneen Fraizer Bowen.

This is a piece of performance art with a message.
Deneen Fraizer Bowen arrived as Dr. Priscilla Normal, acting to replace the radical Deneen. She is a radical because she speaks of student wisdom a radical idea that is also an oxymoron.

She continues:
I have credentials, so I am an expert
I also have a new degree in Institutional domination
Her question How to keep the 21 century brain performing for how long the class or test is to be.

She says Digital natives are hyper communicator and hype multi-taskers really, savages.

She goes to answer her cell and reappears as Edy the blooger� aka Saran Rapper, you know Saran Rap kids� the kids people see right thru

After showing moving movie about Cybil and her friends trouble with drugs, She now talks from the digital native perspective� kids connecting and her blog
She talks about her principal� who says 95% make of the students are at the proficiency level why use technology. Her question what about the other 5%?
Proficiency is the lower bar, what about raising the bar.

She continues to role plays about her kid blogger the principal asks her take an entry off the blog – she drops out and continues to work on her blog at the town library eventually enrolls in an online school.

The presentation screen shows the following.
R. Maulana Karengo We’re always taking about how our children our future but if we aren’t careful, they can be our fate.�

Learning is about checking the mind in, it is not where the body is.

Now she comes in as a 5th grade student who did a story about her sister who had heart surgery. She continues to talk about digital story telling and making web pages. She says she talks a lot now ’cause she teaches others to make pages, because teachers talk a lot. She collects ideas about what to do in school,� make digital storytelling.

She continues as Maria a 5th grade student showing her schools results for net speak up day.

Interesting most kids think they have enough computers in the school but not access wanted wireless, student emails

Next a movie by Diane Lewis, Reflections this is an example of a digital story telling.

Next she came in as Jane a 15 year old girl who loves games. Talks about gaming, why she does it, she gets assignments at school and learns at home cause it is where learms best. In social gamming she is learning leadership skills leading her crew into battle. She shows a very more sites such as taking it global.

Returns at Priscilla normal, giving some more statistics from Speak up. And suggests we need to talk to the natives.

This was very entertaining and thought provoking. I was taken into the drama, so I know I missed a lot of good stuff in my notes. Very good. I hope they post a podcast of it later. I know of a few teachers who should see it. Well off the next session.

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3 thoughts on “MassCUE Keynote Deenen Fraizer Bowen

  1. Beth,
    Thank you so much for blogging the keynote, since I arrived late and missed itl. I heard it was excellent – had to be seen, but you did a great job and you helped me to visualize the experience.

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