It is just not about technology

It is just not about technology

I am currently teaching a course, working with a group of teachers on some class projects and just came back from a MassCUE leadership meeting. In all of these setting the running theme has been, it is just not about the technology anymore. This is something that I have felt quite strongly about for a long time, but it is nice to see the classroom teachers realize that as well. I am not asked as often how to use the technology, but how to help meet certain needs and objectives; how to sort, mange and use information and; to find alternative ways to demonstrate understanding. Many of the teachers are realizing they need to do something different to keep the kids engaged, meet the objectives and reach an increasingly diverse population.

I think our focus is where it should be, on student learning. We need to look at our students, what are they learning, how to support it, how to help them develop critical thinking skills. As our students experiences and prior knowledge change we find we need to change. Some times we must step out of our comfort zone and step into our students comfort zone to engage them in the learning process. Learning is an “active sport”, as an old colleague of mine use to say and the teacher is both cheerleader and coach. The teacher is also a life long leaner and needs to participate in learning about our changing world and how to interact in it. It is not about the technology it is about learning.

So if it is not about the technology and my job title and licence are K-12 Technology Integration Specialist what should they be called.

5 thoughts on “It is just not about technology

  1. Beth,
    I like “Technology Specialist.” Even though my title (at least this year) is Technology Integration Specialist, many time when asked for my title, I put “Technology Specialist.” Our job involves so much more than just “integration.”

  2. Beth,
    I enjoyed reading through your work here. I just surveyed our staff regarding our knowledge and use of everyday technology. Not done yet, but some interesting replies so far! Our district continues to struggle with how to keep the techno ship afloat.

  3. I could not agree with this article more. I believe that technology should certainly be incorporated into a classroom, when appropriate and necessary. It can add to many lessons, and help the students to get more out of what they are learning. However, just because everybody thinks that technology is the new up and coming trend, we need to make sure we focus on what the kids need to learn, and the most effective way to get information through to them.

  4. I certainly believe that technology should be incorporated into the classroom. Actually, the classroom today is basically technology because mostly everything is done by computers and other forms of technology. In my daughter’s school they have added a computer technology class to inform students on how to use these forms of technology

  5. Also, you would be amazed at how technology helps students learn today. Students can learn so many skills on the computer such as writing, critical thinking, math, reading, etc… Technology can be incorporated into many lesson plans today and can be a means of evulating what students have mastered.

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