Introduction to eBooks and eReaders

Introduction to eBooks and eReaders

It is hard to predict the future and even harder when it comes to technology. In my last post Getting Ready for eBooks I wrote about how we need to prepare for eBooks as they are becoming ubiquitous.  As a school we need to make sure we have the infrastructure to support a variety of web ready devices, a process for creating and distributing eBooks and support for staff in how to create and use eBooks and “eDocuments” for their students.  We need to plan ahead and experiment so things go smoothly as we adopt and adapt new tools.

To do that we first investigated different eBook formats and eReaders.  There is a wealth of information that is constantly changing as eReader makers and eBook distributors begin to sort out formats.  It sort of reminds me of the VHS, 8 track growing pains of my youth.  What we know now will be different 3 months from now. My colleague Julia Colby and I are going to hold a workshop  for the MassCUE SIG: Universal Design for Learning about eBooks and eReaders based on what is out there this month.  I have included links to the hand outs below.

Our next goal is to explore ways to create eBooks, that will make the process accessible for teachers.  If you have a Mac and use Pages you have a pretty good start on things.  There does not seem to be clear cut choice for us on the PC side.  But we have another month or two to explore before our next workshop.  If you are currently creating eBooks please let us know what tool you use in the comments below.

On a side note I must say it is pretty cool to be able to read your own work in iBooks on the iPad.  I have created a few with embedded video and really like the possibilities of what it can do for online learning and professional development. I am having fun.

Handout as PDF
Handout as ePUB

4 thoughts on “Introduction to eBooks and eReaders

  1. Hello Beth,
    This would be great! I believe Adobe offers some type software that can help you with this project. Good Luck!


  2. Anita,

    Thanks, Adobe offers 2 products digital editions and InDesign. InDesign is quite pricey and digital editions is more management. I am experimenting with both. I just wish there was an easy user friendly cheap product for schools. Teachers need things that are quick to learn with a minimal learning curve.

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