

It is summer here in the USA and many of us in education are transitioning from our day to day experiences at school to summer, a time full of family and play.  For many of us that also includes a second job and an opportunity to attend conference such as ISTE, underway now.

In my household it means time for my husband to plant seed clams and begin shell fishing.  For me it means driving my kids around, and attending BLC2010. I also will do a little consulting and teaching here and there.

But what I enjoy most is catching up what I wanted to learn during the year but did not find the time, I also enjoy reading there are so many good books out there I feel I have ignored all year.

As an educator a year is really only 10 months and these 2 months are just the time between years.

How do you spend the time between school years?

3 thoughts on “Transition

  1. Great topic! I think it is very important for people to realize that we go from a very hectic day to total (well for some) freedom! Last summer a friend recognized that I was actually depressed. This year I recognized it and was able to find goals for me to do. I would have liked to get back in the classroom and do some work in there, but we were “kicked out” so they could redo the wallpaper. I love being in my classroom so have felt a little withdrawel, but I’m not forced to organize my house. So, I spend my time organizing my house and spending time with my kids. I also catch up on doctor appointments!

  2. Interesting topic! I really look forward to the summer to re-charge myself. I catch up on everything from family time to exploring those resources that I never got around to during the school year. Although my favorite part of the summer is just spending time with my children, I find it necessary to stay connected with teaching. I like to stop by my classroom at least once every week or two, even if it’s just for a short while. Otherwise, I feel like many of the children do for the school start at summer’s end.

  3. I just happened to pass by and couldn’t help but reminisce about past summers when classes are over. Last year was really nice because i got to learn a lot of new stuff particularly driving my dads car. Summer is also about reviewing lesson plans. Whenever i miss teaching i spent time with some of my colleagues and discuss future works.Anyway,nice post!

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